Ultimate Mediation

Autism & Neurodiversty

As a parent of a child with autism, formerly diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, I possess a deep passion for and understanding of the myriad challenges that families facing autism and disabilities encounter. My own family has personally confronted and surmounted many of these obstacles.


We are Autism Mediation experts

I recognize the immense difficulties that can arise, such as the strain within a marriage where one spouse might be in denial, harbor anger about the diagnosis, or contemplate divorce. If your purpose here is to seek counseling for marital issues, I will gladly refer you to a qualified therapist. My presence here is dedicated to advocating for your child’s well-being.

My primary focus is to assist you in securing the support and assistance your child requires, unequivocally. I aim to guide you along the path of least resistance, addressing your child’s challenges in social skills, communication, and behavior, while equipping them with tools to navigate sensory situations. Together, we can help your child embark on a path toward a healthier and happier long-term life.

We Help You in Autism Mediation

KAREN SIMMONS, CEO Autism Today, Co-Author Chicken Soup for the Soul, Children with Special Needs

I have formed a valuable partnership with Karen Simmons, a renowned global advocate for autism and a parent to two special needs children, one of whom has autism. Karen is also the founder of Autism Today. Remarkably, she resides right here in the Capital region of Edmonton, Alberta. Karen is dedicated to assisting parents in accessing the necessary resources through consultative support.

Karen will stand by parents, guiding them through the initial, challenging steps within the intricate political and funding systems they must navigate. She brings her extensive experience as a parent advocate, which she has utilized not only for her own children but also for numerous others through her work with Autism Today. Karen is a beacon of calm amidst the storm of challenges and has a remarkable ability to achieve seemingly impossible outcomes.


In line with our commitment to excellence in mediation services, we offer a collaborative legal advisory option. Our aim is to ensure that you receive the optimal solution tailored to your unique situation. We firmly believe that you deserve high-quality service, which is why we are dedicated to delivering exceptional value for your hard-earned money, providing precisely what you require.

We understand that during challenging times, you shouldn’t be burdened with the cost of unnecessary or superfluous services. That’s why our goal is to assist you in resolving your situation as efficiently as possible. We take care of crafting the solution, engage our legal team to draft the necessary legal documents, and deliver the final package to you. This streamlined approach can save you significant sums of money and time, sparing you from incurring unnecessary expenses and extraneous services.

When you turn to us, we are here to meet your specific needs with precision and efficiency.


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